Denial of FBI Panama probe won’t wash


Contrary to what was said by the former main shareholder of one of the companies accused in the Odebrecht mega-scandal – who assured that the FBI was not interested in the activities of his company – there is evidence that the Department of Justice of the United States, through its Criminal Division, initiated an investigation, at least since 2018, in which a link between Odebrecht and its bribery department with the banking activities of that company was clear since the US prosecutors were interested in the 16 bank accounts that he maintained in 9 financial entities in Panama, of which, after 3 years since then, he only has one bank with which he currently operates. This interest of the United States, which also includes dozens of companies that were operated by Odebrecht, This is very significant, since the scope of the cooperation requested from Panama included 65 accounts in 25 local and foreign banks with operations in the country, of which only one of them managed a third of most of the company accounts under the control of Odebrecht. Trying to deny such palpable realities is only for fools.- LA PRENSA, Aug. 3l.