The perfect storm facing sycophants and charlatans


The parties come to an end. The Disability, Old Age and Death (IVM) program of the Social Security Fund (CSS) will run out of funds to pay pensioners and retirees in 15 months – that is, before the end of next year. The worst scenario: in debt up to the crown; with an economic crisis from which we have not come out; with minimal savings; with a fiscal deficit that grows instead of decreasing; with zero cost containment; with unemployment at its worst, and with street protests (now on pause) over corruption and the high cost of living. It’s the perfect storm. The actuarial report delivered to the board of directors of the CSS reveals a truth that neither this nor the last two government administrations faced. They hid behind apparent progress, sweeping their mistakes under the rug. Unfortunately, It will be up to this government to try to get out of the quagmire, but its officials are a bunch of incompetent and greedy people. If the President of the Republic wants to deal with the problem, he will have to hire real specialists, because the ones he does have are, for the most part, charlatans and sycophants who, although they receive a salary, have not invested a minute of their time in solving this – LA PRENSA, Aug. 27