Fiberglass semi-submersibles present new threat in drug war


A fiberglass, semi-submersible transporting 625 kilos of cocaine, captured last Wednesday, August 11, in Caribbean waters, reinforces the authorities’ theory that this area of ​​the country is one of the most desirable gateways for drug trafficking.

The Minister of Public Security, Juan Pino, warned that the situation puts the entire coastline of the province of Colón at risk, where 60 tons of drugs were seized in 2021, and so far this year, they have seized. 24 tons.

The minister also gave clues as to what could be behind this seizure. “All this drug comes from the Gulf of Urabá (Colombia), and the drug is from the Clan del Golfo,” he said

The semi-submersible was detected by members of the National Border Service (Senafront) in the sector known as Barco Hundido, in El Porvenir, Guna Yala region. There were three Colombians on the boat.

It is the first time that the public force has detected a vessel of this type in the Caribbean, said Oriel Ortega, head of Senafront.