OPINION: Panama’s No-show president


The absence of the President of the Republic in the negotiations with the groups that bring together organizations and society in general in these days of protests is notorious.

 His absence is visible and even scandalous since it gives the false impression that this matter does not matter to him. The lack of information is also notorious: How long will the fuel subsidy last? Where does the money come from? Will the government adopt real containment measures? No one has explained it. If it is with debt that will be paid, the victory is pyrrhic, because we will end up paying the subsidy yes or yes. It is evident that the leadership of the negotiations is led by Vice President Gaby Carrizo, who lacks experience and the most basic thing: credibility. That is why the tables fail, even when agreements are reached. It is important for the government to send messages to regain its credibility. For example, adopting symbolic measures, such as taking away those $9 million to increase salaries at Unachi or eliminating the phantom forms of the Assembly. They don’t have a huge economic impact, but they send a message loud and clear. That is what is expected of negotiators, and not political trinkets in the worst taste, such as taking personal advantage of this crisis. – LA PRENSA,  Jul.20.