Lawmakers spray gas on protestors’ fire


The National Assembly does not stop laughing, mocking, and belittling the people who elected each of the 71 deputies that comprise it. Although they are not all, the most visible faces of this State body are the most cynical, starting with its president, who announced spending containment measures, the effect of which is the equivalent of spraying gasoline on a fire that is beginning to be uncontrollable. The savings that their “great sacrifices” mean are ridiculous and will in no way affect the comfortable life they lead, while thousands of Panamanians have nothing to eat because many have lost their jobs and there is no one who is doing anything to recover those jobs that They were lost in the pandemic. Why don’t they start by lowering the salary of those who can spare a few thousand dollars? Why don’t they make those phantom forms disappear that we all know are the petty cash of many deputies? Why not download those lavish payrolls of employees who claim to work directly for them? If you are not going to hold back, stop teasing us, because what they offer us in exchange for our sacrifice, is almost to stay and live in the paradise where they have never left–  LA PRENSA, Jul. 17.