OPINION: A presidential band-aid


As expected, the president’s first announcement, in order to alleviate the economic pressure suffered by thousands of families, only turned out to be a band-aid on the enormous wound caused by government politicians who underestimated the tolerance of a people overwhelmed, beaten, and fed up with the response of ministers, deputies, mayors, and representatives, a group from which Laurentino Cortizo is not saved, much less Gerardo Solís, who does not have an ounce of talent as comptroller. Probably, because the measures announced in the first instance only generated a blink of an eye among the protesters, the Government hastened to announce others, aimed at containing public spending, of which the only salvageable one is the 10% decrease in the payroll of the State, without specifying whether it is in money or in the number of public servants. Everything else, while commendable, will not have a greater impact, and it will surely generate an adverse reaction, because, not only is it late, but, compared to the impact of the pandemic in the private sector, many perceive this “sacrifice” as insufficient, since those who earn the most – and blatantly take advantage of their positions – it does not affect them in the least. Nice try! – LA PRENSA, Jul. 13.