The pharaonic life of government officials


High government officials seem to enjoy a pharaonic life, judging by the growing need to hire more and more people, without being told by those of us who pay that payroll why this expense grows so much. If we continue at the pace of the first four months, by the end of this year the state payroll will reach $4.75 billion, which, on average, would be about $200 million more than last year. And again, the institution that leads the employment contracts in April is the National Assembly, with almost 1,730. The one that comes closest is the Ministry of Health, with 482 new employees. It is evident that the Ministry of Economy and the Comptroller’s Office have been extraordinarily negligent and irresponsible in handling this expense, considering that we have a fiscal deficit that exceeds 4% this year and it will be covered with debt. The foolishness of the Government reaches unprecedented levels. Last year, the preliminary total balance of the Non-Financial Public Sector had an accumulated deficit –as of December 2021– of the equivalent of only $500 million less than the current cost of the state payroll: about 4 thousand 240 million or 6.7% of GDP Estimate. And yet, the party continues as if we were manufacturing dollars. What unconsciousness! – LA PRENSA, Jun. 26.