An abusive father aims for the  presidency


After reading the letters in which Ricardo Alberto and Luis Enrique Martinelli Linares ask the judge in their case for leniency in the United States for their participation in the Odebrecht corruption scheme, one must wonder if everything they describe their father is attributes of a political leader. The first talks about an abusive relationship, in which he describes behaviors of his father that border on bullying.

Such a description – if what his lawyers say is true – is alarming and disturbing. It is the opposite of what a person who aspires once again to direct the destinies of this country for the next five years should be. But are the revelations made by Martinelli’s eldest son new to the country?  For five years we witnessed the behavior of this type and in many cases, there were people who suffered this harassment.

Judging by what his children say about him Ricardo Martinelli does not resist scrutiny as a human being and much less as a father. Where does that leave Martinelli? That is the question that the entire country must ask itself from now on, since this person publicly insists that he will run for president in 2024. Before deciding to vote you should read those letters. – LA PRENSA, May 4.