Panama Covid deaths register a notable decrease


The number of deaths due to Covid-19 in Panama continues to register a notable decrease according to statistics from the Ministry of Health (Minsa).

The 9 deaths from the new coronavirus reported this month, through April 18, reflect one death every two days. In March of this year, when 87 deaths were recorded, the daily average was 2.8.

The decrease in deaths from the virus is more evident when compared to the first two months of 2022; In January, 304 deaths were registered, and in February, 351.

Since the pandemic arrived in Panama in March 2020, the country has accumulated 8,179 deaths and a lethality of 1.1%, is reflected in the Minsa data.

Eduardo Ortega, the advisor to the Panama Covid-19 Vaccine Research Consortium, stressed that this is a positive moment because there are days in a row when no deaths from the virus are reported.

In addition, the hospitalization rooms are also empty and at the moment those are the indicators to pay attention to.

“We have a significant number of the vaccinated population and we will surely require a fourth dose as a booster, although the question we are evaluating is when. That is a decision that is still being analyzed, ” he emphasized.

Until the vaccination report of April 18, Panama exceeded the figure of 8 million doses against Covid-19 applied since the immunization process began in January 2021.

It is specified that 3.4 million first doses, 3 million second doses, and 1.4 million third doses have been administered.