Historical idiocy in the National Assembly


The career of historian was annexed by the National Assembly to the long list of professions that for its exercise it is necessary to have been born in Panama, in addition to having to obtain suitability to work in museums, libraries, etc. The initiative is nonsense from every point of view, but our deputies suffer from blindness, as well as of nationalism that borders on the ridiculous. Panama must have the longest, peripatetic and absurd list of professions reserved for those born here in the world. Historian is the umpteenth career or trade prohibited to foreigners, among which are security agent, medical visitor, laboratory technician, pharmacist, nurse, barbershop, and cosmetology, in addition to 22 types of engineering, including mining and even agricultural. What is the difference in whether a medical visitor is Panamanian or Argentine? Or that a historian is German? Doesn’t their knowledge count because they weren’t born in Panama? And while we’re at it, why not nationalize the career of political marketing or soccer or baseball coach, or that those who play these sports in Panama are only Panamanians? Truly, idiocy has gone far – LA PRENSA, Feb. 19.