Agreement to develop Panama sportfishing


A cooperation agreement aimed at creating a plan for the development of sport fishing has been signed by the  Panama Tourism Authority (ATP) and the Aquatic Resources Authority of Panama (ARAP).

One of the main objectives of this agreement is to generate an action plan for the.  “Sportfishing is one of the segments, through the Master Plan for Sustainable Development, that has the greatest potential within nautical tourism,” said the ATP. It also proposes to quantify and analyze the spatial and temporal situation of the operations of the longline and purse-seine fleets that have an impact on the line of billfish in Panama.T

The project will also promote and attract tourism to the country, with and will generate jobs throughout the country’s coastal communities says the ATP.

The administrator of the ARAP explained that with this agreement the necessary funds and technical assistance will be obtained to achieve the spatial fishing order, which will promote sport fishing in Panama, as an important economic activity, which permeates the entire society, especially in the most vulnerable places in the country. In less than 12 months they will have a proposal, which will be built jointly with sport and artisanal fishermen, to develop a pilot plan to promote sport fishing in the country.