Filling the bottomless pockets of politicians


Initiatives from civil society and independent deputies, to eliminate the paid licenses of mayors and corregimiento representatives after being elected, have been presented to the National Assembly, but none have been endorsed by the legislative commission on Municipal Affairs, which is presided over by the PRD Javier Sucre. And it is unlikely that this will happen, considering that Sucre is one of those local authorities elected in 2019 –although he preferred to be a deputy– who, in addition, has proposed modifying the Decentralization Law to increase the income of the municipalities through the transfer of 6% of the State’s current income, which means disbursements for local governments of hundreds of millions of dollars, in addition to what they already receive from the Decentralization Law. What is sought is to continue increasing the subsidy to the municipalities, while the deputies dedicate themselves to creating more districts and townships. The voracity of these politicians does not seem to have limits and they continue making laws to legalize the dispossession of the State and thus continue filling their bottomless pockets. – LA PRENSA, Jan. 23.