OPINION: The arrogance of the comptroller


Once again, the comptroller general of the Republic acts out of arrogance and lack of common sense, by dodging a questionnaire from the Administration’s attorney about the rules invoked by mayors and corregimiento representatives to significantly increase their income. The attitude of the comptroller hinders an investigation on the subject. What you should do is answer what they have asked you, because in order to pay this group of drones, the Comptroller’s Office has had to verify that the disbursements are in accordance with current regulations, so it makes no sense to tell the attorney that “It is curious that you initiate a preliminary investigation requesting me to provide you with information regarding the rules of the legal system, when it is you yourself who has the obligation to keep those rules systematized”. The questionnaire seeks to corroborate what were the rules with which the Comptroller justified the payment of said emoluments, ridiculously high compared to the responsibilities of officials who are far from being the highest authorities in the country. Either he responds or he exposes himself to suspicion. – LA PRENSA, Jan. 21.