Opportunity knocks for Supreme Court


The materialization of funds to run the judicial career, that is, submit to competition 125 positions that, by agreement, the Supreme Court of Justice declared vacant a few days ago, among them, judges of guarantees, of oral proceedings, and of compliance with the Penal System Accusatory, it is an advance that, in theory, means renewing -through meritocracy- our deteriorated judicial system. It is an unprecedented opportunity for justice to regain its credibility, but time will tell us that. If the best are really chosen, theoretically we will also have to hope for the best, and for this, we will only have to wait for their judicial decisions, which are, in the end, the ones that will speak of the seriousness – or arbitrariness- of the chosen ones. The future of justice in Panama will be in the hands of the current board of directors instead of money, friends, and politics. It is not an easy task, but it is possible to achieve it, just by leading by example. For decades, judges and magistrates have acted as political operators. Now we will see if they become operators of justice. – LA PRENSA, Jan. 12.