Panama’s deteriorating justice system

Panamanians are mute witnesses to the progressive deterioration of the country’s institutions, especially our justice system. It’s not that we don’t have laws; we have many, but they are dead letters, they are not applied and that, obviously, has consequences for the country, which does not come out of those color lists. The World Justice Project has revealed the state of our justice and the rule of law, vis-à-vis the rest of the world. In the global index, Panama ranks 71 out of 139 countries measured, and 15 out of 32 countries in Latin America. But when the variables are analyzed individually, the positions are disgraceful. For example, when asked about the absence of corruption, Panama falls to position 91 out of 139 and worsens on the issue of criminal justice: position 110 out of 139. In other words, this country is also a criminal paradise, the dream paradise of the corrupt, for there is no danger of punishment. Hopefully, the two new appointments of the Executive to the Supreme Court of Justice – whose ratification process in the National Assembly begins this week – correct course, as the intentions of other magistrates appointed in 2019 seem to be. There is much at stake, such as the reputation of Panama, which is no small thing. – LA PRENSA, Oct. 17.