Significant storms  warning


A  warning of significant storms issued by the National Civil Protection System (Sinaproc) remains in place until Tuesday, October 12.

The instability in the climate is predicted by the passage of tropical storms 40 and 41 over the country, the low-pressure systems between Colombia and Panama, and the intertropical convergence zone, according to a notice from Etesa).

The areas under notice are: Bocas del Toro, Comarca Ngabe Buglé, Veraguas, Colón, Comarca Guna Yala, Darién, Comarca Emberá, Panama, Panama Oeste, Coclé, Herrera, Los Santos, Chiriquí and

the maritime sectors of the Caribbean and Panamanian Pacific. WIndy conditions were forecast during some storms, flash floods and possible urban flooding.

The accumulated maximum rainfall per probable day in low-lying and coastal areas ranges from 10 to 50 MM or liters of water per square meter; while in mountainous regions and mountain ranges, higher amounts are expected.

Prevention measures

Avoid carrying out any activity outdoors, in the presence of electrical activity.

Take precautionary measures and remember that under bad weather conditions there may be flooding of tributaries or streams, gusts of winds, frequent or occasional electrical activity.