OPINION: Mediocrity  at its finest

 When the minutes of the meetings of the board of directors of the Panama Maritime Authority (AMP) are read, which include the interventions of its members on the renewal of the contract with Panama Ports Company (PPC), the superficiality with which the subject was discussed is revealed. Much of the concerns of the managers revolved around legal certainty, always in favor of the company, forgetting that PPC was an abusive partner, and leaving aside the issue of alleged violations of the original contract. So, what was the legal security when analyzing everything that the Panamanian State stopped perceiving due to the tyranny of the PPC? When things are done well, there is no need to fear, but as this is a crooked country, these things happen. The terms of the AMP board of directors are a disgrace. They contrast with the way in which the Canal Authority handled the contract with Grupo Unidos por el Canal, confronting first-world, powerful companies that even threatened to sue Panama. But since things are done better in the ACP, there was no objection to filing a fight in the arbitration tribunals. In the case of PPC, the justifications of cowardice outweighed those of reason. Mediocrity at its finest.- LA PRENSA, Jul. 31.