Pediatricians  recommend masks for toddlers

The Panamanian Society of Pediatrics (SPP) has recommended the use of masks in children older than 2 years in order to minimize the circulation of covid-19 and other respiratory infections in community settings.

The group of doctors also suggested that children from 2 to 5 years old, who do not tolerate wearing a mask, should be encouraged to wash their hands and a physical distance of two meters.

Society recalled that there are minors who despite education and the example of adults do not tolerate wearing masks, so you have to be aware of their personal hygiene.

For children over five years of age, the SPP said that they must permanently wear the mask and must be accompanied by the support of the family and school environment.

The SPP recalled that “the use of the mask is not mandatory at any age with children of different capacities and chronic developmental, emotional or behavioral conditions.”

The doctors emphasized that the use of masks does not replace other daily prevention actions, such as physical distancing or avoiding contact with sick people.