Health teams on alert for covid rebound

Panama Regional  Health Director Israel warned on Thursday of a rebound of coronavirus cases and said that teams were on alert.

Cedeño highlighted that in the region there have been more than eight weeks with a downward trend, but that in the last epidemiological week in the in the townships of Bella Vista, Betania and San Francisco there has been a slight elevation of cases.

“Not like we had in November, December and January, but townships that were reporting three or four new cases a day, there have been days that have reported seven, eight and even ten,” Cedeño said.

He explained that numerically this is considered a rebound in cases and that the teams are alert in those areas to verify these new cases, but that in general they are staying below what was expected, taking into account that there has not been a third wave in Panama.

Cedeño’s statements were made during a tour of the vaccination centers that are enabled in the 8-10 circuit, which includes seven townships in the eastern sector of Panama.

Regarding immunization, Cedeño announced that yesterday on the first day for the application of the second dose for older adults, teachers and pregnant women, 9,100 doses were placed, a figure somewhat higher than what they were expecting.

The vaccination process is also taking place in parallel in the Arraiján district), which also has its second day this Thursday.

In this district of the province of Panamá Oeste, it is planned to vaccinate about 30,687 people over 60 years of age, educators and pregnant women.