OPINION: Stay on guard !!

THE BRAZILIAN variant of the new coronavirus has proven to be highly infectious and deadly. The restrictions imposed on travelers from South America have come drastically, albeit late, and better strategies are required in order to more effectively prevent the transmission of this strain, especially in this time of enormous local mobility due to the Holy Week. As of yesterday afternoon, 49 thousand vehicles had moved from the capital to the interior of the country. It is necessary that we continue to be careful and practice bio-sanitary measures; It is again in our hands to stop the spread of the virus, avoiding crowds, keeping social distancing, wearing a mask, and with frequent hand washing. Do not forget that this variant is more dangerous for young people, so they must be prudent and measured in what they do. The vaccination process is still in an incipient stage and young people (except those who suffer from a chronic disease or are in the first line) are at the bottom of the list in the immunization campaign. Everything will depend on our individual and collective behavior.- LA PRENSA, Apr. 2