The road to medical mediocrity

PRIDE is the reason for some deputies. They do not understand reasons or arguments or advice or suggestions. They believe they are gods, that what they say is the only and absolute truth. There is no, except in the National Assembly, union, professional or student who has not rejected the absurd and chilling bill proposed by deputies to defer medical certification for after the internship and that it is the Ministry of Health that grants the suitability to doctors in Panama.

This is nonsense. All of us in Panama are witnesses of how the Ministry of Health can behave with political criteria instead of technical ones. We will witness that cronyism or patronage will be the yardstick to measure knowledge, and we will even witness the medical fitness trade. The irony is that politicians are the first to catch a plane to treat their illnesses with foreign doctors; They are the first to despise the public health system, and now they want to inherit from us a system that, on paper, is based on academic merit … but in practice, it will be the lever. When will these politicians understand that the country has more than enough with its mediocrity to extend it to others? LA PRENSA, Mar. 30