OPINION – Elected Obtuse Executioners

LAST WEDNESDAY, through videos on social networks, we were able to appreciate the celebration of the Government in Atlapa. They called it commemoration, although it is clearly seen that it was danced as it is done at a party. The spokesmen of this administration, including the star of the dance – the Minister of the Presidency and Vice President of the Republic – as well as ministers of State and other officials, justified the joyous shaking, because they are human beings. And while it is true that they are, it is no less true that humans are also endowed with a brain that allows us to discern and decide. 

Our authorities were elected, not because they are the same as all of us. It is supposed to be because they have – or should have – leadership characteristics and common sense. But it is proven that they lack both. And if they fail in things as simple as deciding whether or not to dance when the country mourns its 6,000 dead and despair invades tens of thousands of homes due to their economic situation, we cannot imagine the lightness with which they make complex and momentous decisions. That’s how obtuse our rulers are. But there they are: executioners elected by their own victims.- LA PRENSA, Mar. 27