Lula gets vaccine, knocks president denier

Former Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, received the anti-covid vaccine on Saturday and asked Brazilians to be vaccinated en masse to combat not only the pandemic but also the ignorance of deniers such as the current head of state, Jair Bolsonaro.

“The President has to stop being ignorant, learn to respect the sentiment of the people and guarantee everyone a vaccine, “Lula said . in a broadcast on social networks after being immunized.

The 75-year-, leader of the Workers Party asked the Government for more efforts to immunize the entire population and speed up the process.”We have to fight the deniers, fight those who do not believe in the vaccine and only tell society nonsense,” in a clear allusion to Bolsonaro, leader of the extreme right denier. Brazilian extreme right and that has questioned not only the severity of the pandemic but also the efficacy and safety of vaccines.

“We have to show that there is only one way to combat the coronavirus, which is by getting vaccinated, regardless of which country the vaccine comes from. The important thing is that it be effective,” added the former union leader who ruled Brazil between 2003 and 2010 in another allusion to the Head of State, who initially came to despise the antidote developed by Sinovac, the most used so far in the country, because it is a Chinese laboratory.The former president affirmed that the vaccine he received was Coronavac, as the Sinovac immunizer is known, which is produced locally by the Butantan Institute, a laboratory linked to the São Paulo state government.

Lula, said that it is important that Brazilians get vaccinated, avoid crowds and wear a mask, even those who do not believe in science.”If you do not love yourself, at least you love your family and friends.“