No impunity in shelters scandal – Caraballo

Attorney General Javier  Caraballo told journalists on  his first day in office Monday  March 1. “Speaking to you as a parent  (…) I can assure you that while I am in the Office of the Attorney General, I will supervise and guarantee that a dynamic, objective, exhaustive and efficient investigation is carried out in these cases,” when asked about the situation with the alleged abuse and mistreatment in shelters.

He added that all people, regardless of their political, economic or religious status who have something to do or responsibility in these cases will be brought to justice .

He stressed that he will show that he does not belong to any political party, economic group, or religious body in this country and that the only commitment he has is to the Constitution.

He emphasized that the meetings he holds with the prosecutors are to guarantee the effectiveness of the results that the Public Ministry must give and that in the coming days, according to the situation that the cases merit, results will be seen.

After  Eduardo Ulloa’s resignation, citizens have expressed their concern over the justice crisis and the lack of credibility in the Public Ministry, in high-profile cases.