Panama reactivates tourism and conservation initiative

A decree to reactivate the Tourism, Conservation, and Research (TCI) strategy was signed in Mi Pueblito by President Laurentino Cortizo on Monday, September 28.

The proposal made for Panama more than 20 years ago by the specialist in social ecology  Dr. Hana Ayala, inspired by the natural, environmental and cultural potential of the country.

She returned to Panamas  in February 2020, to meet with local tourism leaders President Cortizo, who supported the reactivation of the TCI

a strategy, which was praised by groups like the Smithsonian Institute, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the World Bank, when it was first implemented by Panama.

The new decree creates the TCI Alliance, Committee made up of public entities, with the participation of the research, conservation, and tourism sectors.

The Committee is made up of the Ministries of the Environment (MiAmbiente) and Culture (MiCultura).the National Secretariat of Science, Technology, and Innovation (Senacyt) and the Tourism Authority of Panama.

The Committee will develop, promote and support the execution of a national plan for the development of sustainable heritage tourism in the country,

As general coordinator of the Committee, the ATP will form a group of Affiliates to the TCI Alliance, which will be joined by companies, non-profit organizations and other public or private entities, for their contribution to conservation and research projects of natural heritage and culture of Panama, linked to tourism.