Homicides escalate during 5  months lockdown.

Five months of quarantine, curfew and driving restrictions introduced to fight the Covid-19 pandemic have not stemmed the rise in Panama homicides.

Between January 1 and July 31 this year, according to the Public Ministry (MP) there were 315 homicides while in all of 2019,  there 480, a figure that will soon be overtaken if the largely gang-related slaughter continues at the same pace.            

When the curfew was implemented on March 18,  security authorities anticipated a reduction in various crimes. The lockdown initially was accompanied by the prohibition of liquor sales. The curfew is still maintained between 7:00 pm and 5:00 am from Monday to Saturday, and all day  Sunday.

Published data reveals that 70% of crimes are committed with firearms and most of the victims are men between 18 and 24 years of age.

The provinces with the most homicides are Panamá, Colón and Panamá Oeste.

Los Santos, Herrera and Coclé have a low rate of homicides and attacks with firearms.

National Police Director  Jorge Miranda said that the homicides are the reflection of fights between criminal groups over territory for the sale of narcotics.


He reported that in the last month, 241 people were arrested for activities related to drug trafficking.

He said that the effort of the Police to face tasks related to the Covid-19 pandemic has consumed a lot of energy.

The former head of the Directorate of Judicial Investigation (DIJ), David Villarreal,  said that in recent months there has been an increase in blood acts, in which high-powered firearms are used, which shows the existence of a black market for the sale of weapons and ammunition.