Massacre suspect fears for his life

The  second suspect  in the massacre of seven young people  who went out for an afternoon swim in Lake Gatun and were killed in a WW II bunker  is  in preventive detention after a hearing in Colon on Wednesday, August 5. and has asked  for protection as his life has been threatened by another person who was arrested  earlier

The 20-year-old nicknamed Ninito “fears for his life,” and asked to be taken to a prison other than that of Colón.

He was apprehended by authorities on Tuesday, August 4  after he was delivered by his mother to whom he had confessed.  He lives in the Valle Verde sector, in the township of Cristóbal where the victims came from.

On July 18, in the wooded area of ​​José Domingo Espinar, seven young people, between 15 and 23 years of age, were found dead, hock waves  across the county the country

According to the recorded facts, on Friday, July 17, 13 young residents of the Valle Verde community left in a group bound for Lake Gatún.

Only six returned from the group. The rest were killed. The bodies (of four women and three men) were found by relatives t on the morning of Saturday, July 18.

On Wednesday,  August 5 a third arrest was reported. A hearing is pending.