Arrested former Colombian president tests positive

Former Colombian President Álvaro Uribe tested positive for COVID-19 just 19 hours after the Supreme Court ordered his house arrest for alleged procedural fraud and bribing witnesses.

The Efe news agency says it  is unclear whether health personnel who visited him did so to perform the COVID-19 test or to deliver the result.

According to local media, the 68-year-old president has had some discomfort in his throat but is in good health.

His home is located in Montería, the capital of Córdoba, one of the regions hardest hit by the pandemic in recent weeks. According to the National Institute of Health (INS), there are 4,688 positive cases of coronavirus and 431 deaths in Montería, with the lethality of 9.19%. the highest in the country.

In all of Colombia there are 334,979 infected and 11,315 deaths, with a lethality of 3.38%.

On April 6, Uribesaid  that he was tested for COVID-19 and that it was negative. “Fortunately we are relieved, I have not had the contagion, I ask God to protect us and we will continue to contribute to stopping the pandemic.”