Prosecutors ask  for Martinelli  psychiatric evaluation

The Special Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office has asked the Institute of Forensic Medicine and Forensic Sciences (Imelcf) for a  “psychiatric evaluation of a former president of the Republic” said a Public Ministry (MP) statement on Monday.

Martinelli flaunts the “El Loco”  appellation which he adopted during is election campaign when he was said to be bi-polar.

The MP  note reveals that the politician presented “three certifications of medical disabilities,” the most recent for 60 days, issued by a psychiatrist.

A lawyer for ex-president Ricardo Martinelli said that his client was affected by stresses including the arrest of his sons in Guatemala. He is also facing multiple corruption investigations and his acquittal on wiretapping charges in which the prosecution called for a 2q-year jail term is being appealed.

The MP also requested the clinical file of the medical centers that issued the disability.

So far  in July, Martinelli who has a record of playing health cards [malingering?] when facing justice  has presented three certificates of incapacity, at a time when he has been called  to face  two investigations – Odebrecht and New Business – for alleged money laundering.