Panama Julyvirus death toll  at one per hour

In the first seven days of July, 168 people died from Covid-19,  which is equivalent to one death per hour. This is the highest average since the pandemic began in the country on March 9.

This is a sample of how lethal the coronavirus can be, if one takes into account that none of the main causes of death in the country reaches that mortality rate says the Ministry of Health, but the reality check has not stopped conspiracy theorists from posting claims on social networks ranging from a Chinese attempt to conquer the world and local attempts to impose dictatorship to  the virus being no more than a common cold, in spite of evidence to the contrary from scientists around the world.

The main cause of death in the country is malignant tumors, which, according to a report by the Office of the Comptroller General in 2018 caused 3,138 deaths of the 19,720 that occurred that year in Panama