Fat cat government workers thrive – private sector jobless

While  the pandemic   has led to the suspension of more than 245,000  worker contracts, with more job losses to follow as hundreds of businesses put up their shutters for the last time have, a “privileged  class of 233 218  government officials, with  a monthly tab  of $358.4 million continue to serve during the “austerity”

In nations such as Colombia, Mexico, Uruguay, Paraguay, Ecuador, and New Zealand they have applied cuts to public spending including decreased salaries for higher echelon figures decrease in higher salaries of the government gear.

Colombia, lowered emoluments between 10% and 15% for four months to the officials who earn the most.

In  Paraguay there was a cut of up to 25% in government wages. Uruguay applied something similar.

 The Mexico government released  10 under-secretaries and cut salaries of high-profile officials by 25%.

New Zealand reduced wages by up to 20%, including Prime Minister Jacinta Ardern, and ministers,

Specialists in public policy and government affairs have suggested that the Laurentino Cortizo government save the payment of  subsistence allowance and other non-essential expenses to  fat cat  members of boards of directors “serving the people”

David Montenegro, lawyer, and public, Administrative Career Direction between 2014 and 2019 said: “The hiring of political appointments must be suspended and the hiring must be reestablished as soon as possible by means of a merit contest. This pandemic demonstrated that the country needs honest and trained officials who work for the country and not for a political party, “he said.

For some, says La Prensa  the last alternative is a method with a high probability of non-compliance. The measure assumes that after the state of emergency, when the official returns to the institution, he will have to pay the work with work. Who guarantees that this will be accomplished?