Hundreds of Panama restaurants and bars and over 30,000 jobs will disappear

While 45% of Panama restaurants struggle to stay alive by providing a limited “home delivery one in four that were operating before the pandemic will not be around when the country reaches the “new normal.”
The Panama Restaurant Association has 550 members and less than half are staying afloat by offering a limited takeout menu.
The Association calculates that 137 of them, burdened by debt and the lack of liquidity will disappear along with thousands of jobs.
The Association of Restaurants, Bars and Discotheques estimates that 300 of its 858 members will not be around after the pandemic.
The size o of the sector in the labor arena is significant. The Restaurant Association estimates that its members have about 25,000 employees, almost all with suspended. contracts. Bars and clubs, have another 8,000 employees waiting to return, something that will take time as they are in the fifth and sixth reopening blocks. Restaurants are in the fourth block.