Costco worker gets raise after mask incident

NEWSER– “I’ll just put you on my 3,000-follower Instagram feed, mostly locals,”  said an irate customer to  a Costco worker wearing a “Tison” name tag after being asked to wear a mask.

 The video has now been seen by almost 9 million people and Tison is being widely praised. “Hi everyone. I work for Costco and I’m asking this member to put on a mask because that is our company policy,” he says in the video. Th e customer interrupts him to say “I’m not doing it. Because I woke up in a free country,”

Tison calmly takes the man’s shopping cart away, USA Today reports. “Sir, have a great day. You are no longer welcome here in our warehouse. You need to leave. Thank you very much,” Tison tells the man, who insults him as he walks away.

The video of the clash in the Arvada. Colo., store was posted on Twitter Monday night after originally being posted on Instagram and then removed, NBC reports. Viewers commended Tison’s handling of the situation and urged Costco to give him a raise. “People of Twitter thank you for all of the support,” he tweeted. “I was just trying to protect our employees and our members.”

Costco made masks mandatory for workers and customers on May 4. “This is not simply a matter of personal choice; a face-covering protects not just the wearer, but others too,” CEO Craig Jelinek said in a letter to customers. “In short, we believe this is the right thing to do under the current circumstances.”Tison was gven a pay raise.