Over 535,000 flu vaccinations in  18 days -call now

Over  half a million influenza vaccines have been applied in Panama in 18 days said The Ministry of Health  (Minsa) on Saturday, May 9.

The doses applied since the vaccination process began on April 15. totaled 535,324

It is highlighted that the statistics for 2020 reflect a drop in vaccines given to children under five years of age and pregnant women.

The Ministry reminded that the current vaccination is different from that of the previous year, due to the sanitary instructions that must be put into practice due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Efforts are being made to vaccinate children under five, pregnant women and older adults with or without chronic diseases as a priority.

From May 11 to 15, the Expanded Program on Immunization (PAI) of the Minsa will continue using the appointment line 800-6467