Steroids and heparin slowing rate of virus deaths

Early treatment with steroids and heparin has slowed the death rate of people in hospital with coronavirus says Julio Sandoval, an intensive care specialist and member of Panama’s Coronavirus Advisory Commission,
“These two therapies allow those who are in the hospital ward not to go to the ICU and, in addition, those who are in severe ICU do not present major complications,” said Sandoval.
He explained that steroids are used to decrease inflammation caused by the virus, and heparin, to prevent clots in the lungs, heart and kidneys, as was happening with people in China and Italy.
Although the reports detail that the number of deaths has increased, Sandoval argues that not all deaths occur in the ICU and that there is a tendency to stabilize or control entry to these units.
“At least we have managed to remove 30 patients from intensive care and 50 from hospital rooms. This is a light in the tunnel, but we have to wait for the number of positive cases to reach the top and start to decrease, “he said.