American woman carries coronavirus to Costa Rica

 A 49-year-old American woman is the first confirmed coronavirus case in  Costa Rica say health authorities while a 19-year-old woman returning to Colombia from Milan confirmed  Milan was confirmed with the virus, on Friday. March 6.

In Costa Rica, the Ministry of Health said that the American woman entered the country on March 1 with her husband and is in the town of Puntarenas.

In Panama, the Ministry of Health has reinforced its preventive actions in view of the progress of the epidemic in the region.

Eight Latin American countries have been affected by the epidemic that has claimed the lives of some 3,400 people.

In a statement, the Colombian authorities said that the young woman came from the Italian city of Milan and that she went to health services to receive care after presenting the symptoms. Once the test was performed the result was positive.

According to a report from El Tiempo, the confirmed case occurred in Bogotá and that in previous days others had been ruled out in different parts of the country.

The Colombian government announced that after the positive result the preparation phase  is concluded and the coronavirus containment stage is immediately activated throughout the territory.

So far, more than 100,000 infected people are registered and the death toll exceeds 3, 0500.

China, Italy, South Korea, and Iran are the countries with the highest number of cases.

In Latin America, in addition to Colombia, and Costa Rica, cases have been confirmed in Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Peru, Chile, and Argentina.