Longer jail terms sought for vegitationm fires

 After a year   when  there was 35-40% less rainfall than usual, the 2020 dry season is forecast   to be  hotter and drier  and the Environment Ministry (Miambiente)  has launched a prevention campaign to minimize  bush fires while seeking  to increase from, three to five years  the penalty fpr starting  them

The initiative was presented ton  Monday, December 30.

Milciades Concepción, head of the Miambiente, stressed that the burning of dead vegetation constitutes a latent and real scourge.

According to MiAmbiente reports, forest fires in 2019 consumed h about 75,000 hectares.

Prison sentences for burning vegetation range from one to three years  Concepción said that in 2020 they will present a bill to increase the sanctions to five years.