Sexual abuse case against Dr  lawmaker behind closed doors

PRD Deputy Arquesio Arias, under investigation by the Supreme for the alleged carnal rape and libidinous acts to the detriment of two women, one of them a minor, will face a test validation hearing requested by the magistrate Thursday. At the hearing, which will be behind closed doors, a series of elements compiled by Arrocha will be validated before the magistrate judge of guarantees in proceedings carried out by his office.

On October 19, Arrocha traveled to the community of Ustupu, in the Guna Yala region, where he interviewed residents about the activities developed by Arias when he worked as a doctor. In addition, he talked with relatives of the alleged victims and local authorities.

Arias maintains is under house arrest imposed by the full plenary of the Court on October 21. As a security measure, the deputy was ordered to deliver his personal passport and diplomatic passports.

Arias is investigated for two complaints. The first is with a child under 16, and the second, with a young woman of 22. The events would have occurred in Ustupu, in 2018.

The defense, says that there is no evidence that links his client with the alleged wrongdoing., Arias has said that the accusations against him have political motives.

Complaints against Arias were filed in 2018. They were transferred to the Supreme Court when he was elected Deputy