Panama's Kingdom of Darkness

As if it were part of an espionage novel or an international conspiracy, one of the great mysteries of current politics has been solved. A list with alphanumeric codes hid the identity of the deputies who handled large spreadsheets and generous donations. A detailed and complex work of the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic has been able to identify the names of the fathers and mothers of the Homeland who disposed at their will of tens of millions of dollars of public funds, from July 1, 2014, to this year. The multimillionaire carnival of donations and forms is headed by the main deputies protagonists of the “pact of governability”. They could not expect disinterested action by the country. The Comptroller presents its findings for access by all citizens on its website on the Internet. Perhaps the kingdom of darkness will reign unpunished, thanks to the protection granted by the Supreme Court of Justice, but then, it is up to the electorate to learn about the progress of their deputies and act decisively with their vote on May 5 so that there is, at least, citizen justice.-LA PRENSA, Apl.26