Climate Change: :Attenborough warns we're running out of time

David Attenborough says we are running out of time to save the planet unless urgent action is taken on climate change. reports The Week

Calling for an end to the burning of fossil fuels, the veteran nature broadcaster said action must be taken to tackle global warming. The Daily Mirror describes his words as “his starkest warning yet about our future existence” and The Conversation says he is adopting “a much stronger position”.

Attenborough said: “Right now we are facing our greatest threat in thousands of years. Climate change. At the current rate of warming, we risk a devastating future.”

Calling for an end to the burning of fossil fuels, the veteran nature broadcaster,  said on Thursday, April 18 action must be taken to tackle global warming. The Daily Mirror describes his words as “his starkest warning yet about our future existence” and The Conversation says he is adopting “a much stronger position”.

The 92-year-old continued: “Science is now clear that urgent action is needed. What happens now and in these next few years will profoundly affect the next few thousand years.

“Our climate is changing because of one simple fact… our world is getting hotter. We have pumped so much carbon dioxide into our atmosphere that our world is now 1C hotter than it was in pre-industrial times.

“Climate change can wipe out an entire species, 8% of species are now at threat of extinction solely due to climate change.”

The broadcaster’s warning comes as demonstrations and disruption by the Extinction Rebellion movement continue to grab the headlines.

Nearly 400 activists have been arrested in London with more than 100 detained yesterday alone. Activists targeted the capital’s rail network and the home of the Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn.

Demonstrators outside Corbyn’s home said they see him as “the best hope this country has got” to meet the challenges of the climate crisis, adding that they were there to “support him” to go further.

Others glued themselves to a DLR train. The demonstrations in London are part of an international “climate rebellion” organized by the UK-based group.

Speaking to the BBC’s One Show, Environment Secretary Michael Gove said: “I think it’s appropriate for people to make their feelings known but I also think, we’ve got the message, we understand that action needs to be taken.”

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