OPINION: Martinelli threats and obstruction


Where does the legitimate defense of a defendant end and the abuse of legal remedies begin? This is one of the essential questions that provokes the performance of the technical defense of the former president of the Republic, today a guest of El Renacer. The current prosecutor in the case of the punctures has indicated that he has received threats. At the same time, it is public and notorious that the sophisticated organization dedicated to the defense of the ex-ruler has interposed dozens of resources since 2015, some of which are merely repetitive, and which in many cases have had the obvious effect of delaying the judicial  process They were changed from court, but despite this, they have reiterated the habeas corpus asking for the umpteenth time the release of the extradited, while in the Supreme Court of Justice are considered other actions, as an unconstitutionality that again seeks to discuss what the Court itself had decided, when it denied an injunction and proceeded to legitimize what was done by the magistrate Jerónimo Mejía This festival of resources and delaying measures could be justified as the faculty that the defense has to use all means to advance its cause. However, both the Constitution and the codes give the courts tools to rule out those delaying actions. It seems that the judges have forgotten that they are the ones who put the order in the courts – LA PRENSA, hoyporhoy Apl.6