President makes third trip to China with rail honchos

President of the Juan Carlos Varela accompanied announced accompanied by Óscar Ramírez, coordinator of the High-Level Commission for the Panama-David train project, and Roberto Roy, president of the Panama Metro left for China and Japan on Friday, Mar 29.

It is Varela’s third trip to China with whom Panama is negotiating a Free Trade Agreement (FTA)

Varela, who participated on the night in the inauguration of the fifty-seventh version of the International Fair of Azuero, said that his trip is directly linked to the construction of the fourth bridge over the Panama Canal, and line 3 of the subway.

“We are going to see the largest bridge in the world, built by the company that will build the fourth bridge over the Canal,” Varela said.

He will also visit the company with which they made a direct contract for more than $800 million for the purchase of the monorails of line 3 of the Metro. “This is the last project I’m going to leave in continuity with the next government,” he said.

Varela said that in the month of April will deliver works in the order of $4.5 billion and leave continuity, “well contracted”, for the next government more than $10 billion dollars in infrastructure works, which will boost the economy of the country.

However, he said he will leave a very low percentage of about $100 million dollars in works at risk, many of which  were received from the previous government