OPINION: Terror fueled by demagogy

New Zealand was known in the popular imagination as a placid and bucolic site that served as a stage for science fiction movies and series of mythological creatures. That changed when the hell opened its jaws last Thursday, and at least 50 Muslims were brutally massacred when they prayed in their mosques. The one or those responsible for this horrendous crime can be called in any way, but they are terrorists.

With the influence of racism, xenophobia, and Islamophobia on social networks, the doctrines of white supremacy have gained much legitimacy from South Africa to Sweden, and from the United States to New Zealand. The Dantesque spectacle of Thursday is a repeated image of incidents throughout the Anglo-Saxon world in which those who Hindus, Jews, Muslims, African Americans, and other minorities have become hate targets.

The demagogy and populism that caused the Brexit and the election of Donald Trump continue to claim victims all over the world. Who can stop the ignorance and hatred that is dispersed in social networks? Every citizen of the world is responsible for caring for his brother regardless of religion, race or any difference. The Ku Klux Klan and the Islamic State are fruits of the same twisted and thorny tree of hatred. March 14 reminds us that intolerance is a disease that spreads everywhere – LA PRENSA, Mar. 17