Big brother system for Pope’s visit could have lasting benefits

A surveillance system introduced for the visit of Pope Francis was inaugurated by  President Juan Carlos Carlos Varela on Monday, January 21.

The National Security and Emergency Operations Center C5- located at the National Police HQ in Ancon may turn out to be one of the lasting benefits of World Youth Day (WYD).

The system includes vehicular identification arcs on highways, equipped with plate readers to facilitate the detection of vehicles involved in accidents or in the commission of criminal acts.

In addition, from C5, security and emergency agencies can track the location of incidents in real time and send it to members of the nearest security bodies reducing the response time said  Public Safety, Minister Jonattan Del Rosario.

The center also incorporates a set of computerized systems for reception, attention, and dispatch of emergency calls with geolocation, video surveillance towers, panic buttons, facial recognition, and video analysis.