Fugitive ex-cop surrenders to start 30-year femicide sentence


Carlos Iván Chávez, a former National Police first sergeant who  went on the run  after being sentenced to 30 years in prison for he femicide of Eloisa Sanchez, 29, turned himself in on Friday to the authorities of the Public Prosecutor’s Office (MP) in Chiriqui.

He was accompanied by  his lawyer

Chávez was transferred  to the Llanos de Icaco Penitentiary Center.

In January of 2017 a Trial Court found Chávez innocent of the killing , alleging that it was a struggle for a weapon, but , on appeal of the relatives, the magistrates of the Supreme Court of Justice revoked the ruling  and Chavez was sentenced to 30 years in prison, on November 15, 2017.

At the time of the ruling, Chávez was free and remained at large until Fiday

The crime occurred on July 27, 2015, when the ex-policeman arrived at his partner’s house and in the middle of a discussion in front of his four  children, he shot and killed her.