OPINION: Varela’s choice – veto or corruption enabler

The President of the Republic, Juan Carlos Varela, must partially veto the draft budget for next year, so that the articles that several deputies introduced in the bill in which they clearly seek to administer state money -something that is forbidden by the Constitution- without controls or justification, are eliminated. They intend to seize funds from sports organizations and not account for them, in a year in which they seek re-election, just to keep filling their pockets. The president has indicated that he will not impede the validity of that budget due to the insignificance of these articles. With this statement, although the ruler would not be directly responsible for these funds, he  becomes, yes, an accomplice of that band of heartless people who call themselves honorable deputies, he will be an accomplice of the disgrace, of corruption, of the hoaxes of those shameless, who act like that because now they are the bosses, because now they are the ones who have taken the presidential candidates of the main parties to the electoral contest. Candidates must be very careful with their performances or run the same risk of becoming puppets that will only serve to open their puppeteers to the national treasure chest. The president of the day has an alternative: he can partially veto the budget proposal. At least that’s how the fight will turn out. It is that or to enter history as the servant of the deputies. Already the Supreme Court of Justice acts submissive to the wishes of the band. It exonerates them, exculpates them, sets them free from the rigors of the law, enjoying complete impunity and now puts the Executive on his knees. The voters also have a role in this political game. In May of 2019 we decide if we continue straight to the abyss or renew the whole government; If we do not do the right thing we keep making the same mistake. Either we give the vote to the gang or we choose good people. The president must make a decision.- LA PRENSA, Nov. 8