Martinelli family lawyer swaps jail, for country arrest

The former lawyer of the Martinelli Linares family has been let out of jail but is not allowed to leave the country

Evelyn Vargas Reynaga was under preventive detention in the Blue Apple case.  On Friday, October 5  The Supreme Court resolved a habeas corpus presented by Vargas Reynaga. The plenary of the Court declared legal her detention ordered by the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor on  August 10 but changed the measure to the impediment of leaving the country.

Magistrate José Ayú Prado was the rapporteur of the decision.

Vargas Reynaga is investigated for money laundering in the “Blue Apple”, case in which construction companies multi-millions in bribes to obtain public contracts in the previous government.

It is estimated that there was money laundering of more than $78 million. Over 40 people are charged with corruption and money laundering offenses.

The lawyer is also involved in the Odebrecht case which also carries an impediment to exiting the country.