Police hunt kidnappers demanding $1 million

Panama’s Public Ministry and the National Police DIJ ( Judicial Investigation)   are continuing the hunt  for the abductors in Chiriqui  of two  young Palestinian businessmen

Ziad Shaker Abbu Awad, 27, and Monir Jibarah, 24, who  were found with “hands tied and half-naked, but according to police  “in general terms healthy, a little dehydrated.” were returned to their home late  Monday night, October 1  after a medical review in a private hospital

The kidnappers demanded   $1 million to free Ziad Shaker Abbu Awad, who is the son of a Palestinian businessman, owner of several shopping centers located in Paso Canoas and David in Chiriquí reports La Critica.

Ameth Abbu Awad brother of Ziad thanked the police, DIJ, and SENAFRONT for the developed operations that managed to find the location of the victims

Sisinio Nuñez, Chief of the Fourth Police Zone, said that the operations will be maintained to find the whereabouts of those responsible for the kidnapping.