Dominicans denounce Odebrecht, Panama rewards

Undeterred by rain thousands of Dominicans marched on Sunday, Aug 12 in Santo Domingo against corruption and impunity and to demand justice in the case of the Brazilian construction company Odebrecht, which confessed to paying $92 million in bribes between 2001 and 2014.

The ‘March of the million’ was convened by the collective Green March, which emerged in January 2017.

Meanwhile in Panama,Odebrecht is poised to receive another $45 million contract to tag on to the $3 billion it has received under the current administration, while the CD party which ruled under Ricardo Martinelli (2009-2014) and allegedly receive multi-millions from Odebrecht chose a new presidential candidate in its bid to return to power while its founder has yet to be charged for corruption.

In the Dominican Republic, after Odebrecht revealed bribes,  14 people were indicted, which were eventually reduced to 7.

Flying flags and banners, reading ‘The end of impunity’ or ‘Thieves to jail’, the march in the rain passed, without incidents and in a festive atmosphere, according to media reports.

“In the Dominican Republic there are a million reasons to march, fight and overcome corruption and impunity,” said Professor María Teresa Cabrera, a member of the organizing committee of the collective, which since January 2017 has made several mass demonstrations, including three in Santo Domingo,

Cabrera again questioned the file presented by the Public Ministry in the Odebrecht case, which, leaves out the period “in which more than 67% of the bribes were paid”, as well as officials, legislators, and former officials.

The march was supported by various social organizations and political parties.

The accused are the presidents of the Senate Andrés Bautista and Jesús Vásquez, both of the PRM,

Ángel Rondón, who is accused of distributing the money, senator Tommy Galán, of the ruling party of the Dominican Liberation (PLD), and his party companion and former Minister of Public Works Víctor Díaz Rúa.