OPINION: Time to end Panama vote buying

In recent times, a Phoenician and transactional attitude has proliferated with respect to the of deputies and their legislative loyalties to exchange  merchandise  for votes.

Thus, the citizen ultimate right and duty has been exchanged for hams, bags of cement, appliances, cash, and offers of scholarships or jobs in the public sector. As a nation, we have witnessed the transformation. This is how the turncoats have thrived and the lists of “botellas” [non-existent jobs and sinecures] have proliferated and citizens extorted to be part of the endless corruption networks that surround the National Assembly. They vote for a botella,  the action of going to the ballot box or changing colors instigated by a sticky jingle, are acts of irresponsibility and selfishness.

The lack of medicines, the condition of the streets, the high cost of living, mediocre education, public insecurity and impunity in the great cases of corruption are our collective fault because as citizens we have chosen the one that suits us, or perhaps the one that seems the least bad of the options. It is up to us to inform ourselves about the proposals of the various candidates, question their demagogic approaches and know their CV conscience Only in this way will we be able to build a better Panama. Let’s start with our vote  … LA PRENSA  July 29.